Saturday, 28 April 2007

totally miserable

Well, my darling children have shared their rotten cold with me, so I am feeling snotty, sneezy and totally miserable and sorry for myself :o(
Apologies to those waiting on stuff, I think I've managed to email all of you, but if I missed anyone out, I'm sorry, and I'll be getting things done as soon as my nose stops dripping like a tap!

Wednesday, 18 April 2007

spot the booboo competition!

Here's how it works ;o)
When we were making the curtains for the back, we made a booboo! (oops)
Mum assures me it's not really noticeable, but *I* noticed it! So I thought I'd put the theory to the test, and offer a custom slot for one nappy to the first person who can tell me what I stuffed up!
Post your answers in the comments here!

Here's the photo... good luck girls!

Tuesday, 17 April 2007

post school holidays musings...

Today was the first day back to school, yay!!
I'd love to say that it was an incredibly productive day and now my house is shiny and spotless and I got heaps of sewing done, but that would probably be exaggerating slightly ;o)

We moved into our house just over 3 years ago now, and soon afterwards I bought fabric to make curtains... Well, the curtains for Rhiannon's room got done straight away, the curtains for the loungeroom were done 6mths later, but the fabric for the boys' curtains has been cut and sitting there making me feel guilty for 2 1/2 years now! I bought fabric to do curtains for the rumpus room about 2 years ago... it's been all cut and sitting around waiting to be sewn for 18mths now!
Anyway, on the weekend I asked DH if he could put up some shelves for me in the cupboard in the boys' room. He has resorted to blackmail/bribery, and said he'd do them when I did the curtains! So when my mum came to visit the last couple of days, we've been pinning and sewing curtains! They're not quite finished yet, but I've hung them up so I can measure the hems, so I thought I'd take some photos to make this post a bit more interesting.

So, here's the before and after shots (excuse the mess!)

Back - before

Back - after

Front - before

Front - after

Wednesday, 11 April 2007

school holidays

Well, as one would expect, the school holidays haven't been particularly productive yet as far as sewing goes! Still working through customs, slowly but surely.
I've started adapting the pattern for Rhiannon's communion/confirmation dress. Let's just say that it would have been easier to start with a kids pattern rather than to try to adjust an adult size one! But after a lot of effort, I think we now have a working pattern for the bodice of the dress, and the skirt should be easier than trying to take 'boob space' out of the top!

The kids managed to break the door of the dishwasher on the weekend, so it's now out of action for a week while we wait for the hinges to be ordered. Hopefully that's all that's wrong with it! Needless to say, the kitchen looks even worse than usual now, although my darling mother did a lot of washing up for me today while I was swearing over the dress pattern adjustments!

Oh well, there's a reason the word 'chaos' is in the name of this blog!!

Tuesday, 3 April 2007


I *think* it worked, lol!
If anyone notices any problems let me know, but everything seems to be transferring to PayPal OK now, so with any luck, that's the end of it!

Now to pry my backside off this computer chair! My eyes and back are telling me I've spent too much time in front of this monitor today :o(

%^$&^% shopping cart!!!

After trying extensively and unsuccessfully to fix the PayPal problem with my shopping cart, I have given up, and will be reinstalling the whole bl@@dy thing!

I would like to say at this point, just how much I *hate* it when things decide not to work for whatever reason!! So, here goes, wish me luck, and hopefully I'll be a much happier little vegemite at the end of the day! (if it doesn't work, then stay away and don't come near me, lol!!)

Monday, 2 April 2007

it's clean!

Yes, you heard right, the sewing room is clean! (and vacuumed)
I thought such a monumental occasion deserved it's own post and photos ;o)