Saturday, 21 July 2007

Today's effort was the floor :o)

We now have carpet (yes, decided not to do vinyl in the end, lol!) My goodness it makes a difference to how it looks!

These are taken from the back, looking at the front which will be the main shop area

The different coloured square at the front left of the photo is where the kids area is going to be. There's a huge playpen, and the boys are ready to pick out which toys they want to take in. :o)

This one is taken from the front of the shop looking back at the sewing area (and kids area)


and this last one is just a closer view of the back of the shop


Unfortunately there weren't enough of the carpet tiles in any one colour to do the whole of the shop, so we've created 'zones' with different tiles for the different areas of the shop. I guess it will all make more sense once there's some furniture in there!

So that's the next step - starting to put all the stuff together!

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